Please note our office will be closing at 3:00 on Fridays through Friday, August 30th

News & Views: The Home Stretch

Newsletter – Thursday, September 1, 2022

Here we are rounding the bend into Labor Day. Even though I am a big fan of Labor, (where would we be if not for our staff?), I must admit when Labor Day approaches, it makes me a little melancholy. Summer is almost over, kids are back in school, and most of our vacations are now vacation memories in our photo feed.

You can count on an easy conversation starter with the line “What did you do this summer?” Travel has picked up, and almost everyone has a travel story to share. My most recent adventure was hiking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire along the Presidential range. This is not the first time I’ve done this hike, though, to be honest, I was much (much) younger on my previous excursions. This is a special trek, not only for its beauty but also for the terrain, the challenge, and of course, the camaraderie. My buddy Bruce and I are both in our 60’s now, but it’s like we were transported back to our 20’s.

Back then, I had a thought that when I retired (which I have not), I’d run off to the Appalachian Trail and become a “through hiker”.  The Appalachian Trail is 2,194 miles long, running from Maine to Georgia. Like many people, I romanticized the idea after I read Bill Bryson’s “A Walk in the Woods”. Plus, I thought it would be a great way to transition away from my insurance desk job!  Whatever your epic dream might be, the chase is still worth it.

Now that we are approaching the 2022 home stretch. It’s worth reminding you that Tuscano is here to help you place your brokerage business. Our mission (that we have accepted) is that every experience you have with us be epic or at minimum, makes your time at your “insurance desk” more pleasant.

You can’t go wrong when you come to Tuscano for Vacant Property risks. I know that residential properties don’t stay on the market for very long, but there are still plenty of other vacant properties that need insurance. Whether the building is undergoing renovations, in an estate, partially vacant, or a vacated commercial property, we can usually turn a quote quickly. Tuscano also has a truly fantastic online Vacant Property rating & binding tool that’s been given a head-to-toe renovation. If you love to get in and out with a fast indication or quote, and with the option to bind online, you will love this online Vacant Property program. Other programs may come up in a web search, but Tuscano’s online vacant program will blow you away with its ease of use and comprehensive underwriting, rating, and binding features.

Cyber-Liability coverage is something all insurance agents and consumers should be serious about. Lucky for you, Tuscano’s professional liability team are pros in this (cyber) space. We have excellent carriers and products to offer and expert help to guide you through the needs of your clients.   Give Sandy Ossont or Debbie Stoner a call about your next account or try our new cyber liability indicator tool.

I hope you can make the most out of your holiday weekend and that wherever you are, the sun shines on your activities! Tuscano offices will be closing early on Friday at 2:00PM to jump-start the weekend. We’ll be back at our insurance desks bright and early Tuesday morning.

Have an epic day!


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