News & Views: Predictions for the New Year

Newsletter – Wednesday, January 3, 2018
"This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. What I do today is very important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, leaving something in its place I have traded for it. I want it to be gain, not loss — good, not evil. Success, not failure in order that I shall not forget the price I paid for it."
Last summer I became reacquainted with this prayer at a wedding I attended when the best man read it during the toast to the bride and groom. You will frequently hear it called the prayer of Coach Bear Bryant, who was the long-time (1958 – 1982) coach of the University of Alabama football program. Having just put closure on another year, I like to reflect and learn, say my goodbyes (Tom Petty, Mary Tyler Moore, and Carrie Fisher) and say hello to a brand new year full of opportunities. 
The team here at Tuscano Agency has worked hard all year long to live just as the prayer suggests – gain, not loss, good, not evil, success, not failure. Even as we strive to do better and be better, I believe we’ve gotten a lot accomplished, and have the positive feedback from you to show our progress. 
Thank you for your support and for choosing to use Tuscano for your brokerage business. I claim that Tuscano CAN do it, but we know we can’t do it without you. 
So what do you think 2018 will bring us in the Wide World of Insurance? I have a few predictions that I’m willing to go on the record with!
  • The trucking market will get even harder but Tuscano will turn your pain to gain and keep your trucking clients on the road
  • Property rates will trend up, but probably not as quickly or as much as they should! The terrible disasters of 2017 will have little impact on rates in the rest of the country. Reinsurance will play less of a role in setting rates, but it will be blamed for everything!
  • Use of online insurance tools will increase as we invest more into ease of doing business. Tuscano has a jump on this one as we’ve already invested in our website tools for everything from paying your account to getting GL rate indications in minutes 
  • Tuscano Agency will remain an independent wholesaler, dedicated to filling the brokerage market needs of customers 
The fireworks and champagne have come and gone so let’s get down to business! 
This is the beginning of a new year! 
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