News & Views: Game of (Insurance) Thrones

Newsletter – Thursday, August 4, 2016

My sister Jinny is a huge Game of Thrones fan. Not the HBO version as much as the epic literary series penned by George R.R. Martin. When the topic comes up (usually related to the mini-series) she never fails to mention that she has read the five-book epic series, not once but twice! Why not? It has it all: kings and queens, knights, intrigue, zombies, and DRAGONS! Ask any Game of Thrones fan and they will tell you Martin gets all of the best ingredients into the story. 

Insurance professionals must tell our story by blending exceptional customer service, and an autonomous experience that is exceptional.

At Tuscano we have always tried to blend doing the right thing with giving people what they want (it's not a compromise). We are an underwriting organization and we pride ourselves on solving insurance problems over and above selling a quote. We take a conservative approach to insurance regulation along with a liberal interpretation of what is helpful to the policyholder. We are constantly trying to provide options to our customers in how they choose to interact with us. If you want a live person to answer the phone, we do that, or you can direct dial any of our staff. We are happy to accept your payments for invoices electronically or by mail. Your office can choose to have policies printed and mailed or you can download them from our website. 

Do you recall years ago when writing vacant property was scarier than facing a white-walker? Seriously, the Fair Plan was the only option insurance producers had and you may have considered 'taking the Black' rather than deal with it! I can remember when Tuscano was the first to add vandalism to our program. Tuscano was the first on the block to offer flexible policies for 3, 6 or 12-month terms. We responded to market demand by offering options for special perils and replacement cost valuation for qualified properties. And we continue to this day to provide a bindable quote and a simplified underwriting process. But wait! The epic journey continues!

Our long awaited update to our online rating for vacant property is just around the corner. A sneak peak reveals that we have expanded the states we'll quote, the types of buildings, and the range of exposures. Early adopters should feel free to try out the beta version available online now.

Tuscano is no 'one hit wonder'. We have excellent programs for writing daycares, habitational business, restaurants, trucking, umbrellas, and contractors. And that's just our opening act! We are working hard to give you great service the first time you call and every time thereafter. 

Some of you have given me credit for writing an entertaining newsletter with my own mix of anecdotes and insight. The truth is I am only 1% writer and 99% insurance broker. At Tuscano, insurance is our passion and our profession, but if I had a few dragons to toss in you know I would!

Happy 20th anniversary Game of Thrones!

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