News & Views: Marathon Sunday

Newsletter – Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Marathon SundayThe Pittsburgh Marathon was last Sunday and for the fifth year in a row, the Tuscano Agency participated. We had 3 relay teams, 5 individuals running the half-marathon, and our resident Help Desk Genius who ran the full marathon. Even though they were calling for rain all day, the skies cleared up and we had a great time. As with most things the Tuscano Agency sets out to do, these folks worked together, encouraged each other, and stretched beyond what they thought they were capable of. It is such a big goal for people who are not inclined to run (or as in my case, it is more work than fun), to complete any distance. They all did a great job and had a lot of fun in the process, which is another reason I love working at the Tuscano Agency. Congratulations to all the Runners of Steel out there!

Some runners have a dream of qualifying for the Boston Marathon. I have a dream for Tuscano to be the best insurance wholesaler in our marketplace! Much like preparing for a marathon, we know you don't just wake up one day and run 26.2 miles. At Tuscano, we think we prepare and get better at what we do every day. We believe it takes knowledge and experience to do this job well, and we work hard at it. We also need to have the right equipment, be prepared, and have a great attitude! We know we need to get a response in your hands quickly because that allows you to be productive and deliver value to your client. Having good technology is important too as it allows you to operate more efficiently. And, having the right markets is just as important as having the right running shoes! Even if we don't get everything working at 100%, we do our best to cross the finish line with a happy and satisfied customer, willing to face the challenge again tomorrow!

This month we released our new and improved account current statement. Hopefully, those of you who work with our Accounting Department and pay your statements will see a great benefit to the new format. We've added several enhancements to the statements, including the due date of individual invoices. We also now show which items on the statement are 'old' (as in not yet paid, though they were due in a prior month!). As in the past, your current and past statements are always available on our website, including your direct bill commission statements. Also, I can't stress enough how easy our online statement and invoice payment system is. If you need to pay for your whole statement or just a single invoice, you can do so online and save yourself the hassle of writing and mailing a check. Accepting secure online payments is just one more way we try to go above and beyond for our customers.

More GOOD NEWS! Our newest package program for tattoo parlors is up and running! Let's face it - tattoo parlors are in almost every strip mall in every community - they're not 'back alley' anymore. As these shops improve and become mainstream, there is no reason for a shop owner to go without ink coverage! Our program provides Professional Liability and GL up to $1M limits. We can add Assault & Battery or Abuse & Molestation up to a $100K sublimit and we can also provide Property and Inland Marine within our binding authority guidelines. GL & Professional  for a single operator runs as low as $600. This is a binding class for us, so give the Small Business Unit a call or drop them an email to find out more.

Happy Trails - in running as in insurance: May the road be flat beneath you, may the sun stay out of your eyes, may you cross the finish line with a smile and make new friends out there on the course!

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